Friday, July 31, 2009

loving mealtime

CC has fallen in love.... with mealtime. Like a little puppy, when she wanders off I usually find her at her high chair, climbing and clawing at it to get in and be served. I used to think that she loved it so because - as the second - it was one of the few times in the day that I am sitting down at her level, focused on her and interacting one-on-one. ...But the fact that she wrestles the food out of my hands before I can even get it down on her tray lets me know that it's really not about me at all (silly, Mommy!). It's totally the grub. We are thankful that she is a willing and enthusiastic eater, but she wants ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that everyone else has as well, and as we all know... she's not shy. Eeek! Tonight my mom got to town and I ran to the grocery while she kept the kiddos. When I left CC was enjoying some green beans out of Meme and Papa's garden and when I got home she had devoured the entire container... almost a whole mason jar full! Deeelish.

Mmmm.... lasagne.

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